Shaolin Anime Club-
Pissing off weaker clubs since 2000!!!

Welcome to Shaolin Anime Club!!!

Hello all, welcome to Shaolin Anime Club. This club is a free, global club dedicated to bringing out the Otaku within you. Yes, it's true... Otaku'ism is a highly addictive condition, which can only be cured by watching more, and more anime. The true purpose of this site, is to enlighten, and bring together people interested in anime and manga. Many other groups are only familiar with Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, and the scourge of all anime.... Pokemon... (needless to say, these people haven't been given a true taste of anime, and need that special wake-up smack.)

This site, is also conveniently linked to many quality providers of anime products, movies, and information. So, please take a look around the website.

- Auzzie-Phoenix

SPECIAL NEWS: None to report at this time.
Current News: Will be in attendance at MarCon 44: May 22-24th, 2009 at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus Ohio. This year's con theme is british invasion, so expect a lot of dr. who, red dwarf, etc... Good chance for all of you people wanting to cosplay code geass.
In other news: There won't be many more updates... I have been running this club for 9 years come October. In that time not a single member has contributed to the club's existence by providing content to post up, showing a general lack of interest. The only thing you've done as members has been to get your names on the list. Also, holding a free anime convention has been plagued with legal and financial setbacks, so that will not be happening now or in the forseeable future. It simply cannot be done with my limited resources both in regards to time and money. Once this club is 10 years old, I will be discontinuing all activities/updates, etc... The club will shut down at that time, and the site will most likely be shut down.

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